Our planned maintenance window will commence on September 6th starting at 8:00am GMT/BST/3:00am EST/4:00 JST.
During this time, you will be unable to access Citeline products for 2-4 hours.
Please read the following carefully to determine which information applies to your company’s products and services.
After the maintenance window period, you will experience changes in the areas listed below.
Some product web addresses (URLs) have been changed.
We ask that you update your saved favorites to reflect the updated links below.
If the product you are accessing is not listed below, the web address remains the same.
Legacy URL
Trialtrove, Sitetrove, Pharmaprojects | https://citeline.informa.com | https://clinicalintelligence.citeline.com |
Pink Sheet | https://pink.pharmaintelligence.informa.com | https://pink.citeline.com |
Scrip | https://scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com | https://scrip.citeline.com |
HBW Insight | https://hbw.pharmaintelligence.informa.com | https://hbw.citeline.com |
Generics Bulletin | https://generics.pharmaintelligence.informa.com | https://generics.citeline.com |
In Vivo | https://invivo.pharmaintelligence.informa.com | https://invivo.citeline.com |
Medtech Insight | https://medtech.pharmaintelligence.informa.com | https://medtech.citeline.com |
Pharma 360 | https://pharma360.informa.com | https://pharma360.citeline.com |
Custom Analytics | https://customanalytics.pharma.intelligence.informa.com/ | https://customanalytics.citeline.com |
Some email addresses/other URLs have been updated and may need to be added to the list of approved senders and domains (whitelisted) within your technology organization.
They are:
- auth.nxp.norstella.com
- no-reply@auth.nxp.norstella.com (General)
- updates@discover.pharma-news-insights.com (News and Insights)
There will be a change to your login experience which will look different depending on whether you access via Username/Password or Federated Authentication (ie. SSO, you do not regularly enter credentials to access Citeline products.)
- If you currently log in via Username/Password, your username will remain the same, but you will be required to reset your password when you first log in. Enter your username and click “Continue”. On the next page, click on “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions.
- If you log in via Federated Authentication (SSO), please enter your username (corporate email address) in the login screen and you will proceed as normal.
Please see the example below of the new login and forgot password screens:

Attention News and Insights users (Pink Sheet, Scrip, In Vivo, Medtech Insight, Generics Bulletin, HBW Insight):
- All email newsletters will be paused from September 4 to September 7. However, content will still be published and can be accessed directly from the website
- RSS feed links need to be updated using the base URLs provided above.
API Clients:
You will receive additional instructions separately. If you have not yet received anything, please contact client services.