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Never lose a search again…
search history is here!

You spoke, we listened… Search history is here! Your searches will now be preserved automatically so you don’t have to remember to manually save them or spend time rebuilding when you accidentally close out. You can read more about search history in the help center here.

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The Citeline feedback button went on holiday for
2 weeks and came back refreshed!

You may not have noticed when the Citeline feedback button went on a brief holiday this quarter while it got a behind-the-scenes refresh. But don’t worry, it’s back, and ready to accept your feedback! Planned Citeline developments are always customer-driven, so it goes without saying that our product development team is very receptive to your suggestions. Submit your comments by clicking on the “feedback” button in the bottom right corner of Citeline

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New platform enhancements
now available in Trialtrove and Sitetrove

New Disease: Hereditary Angioedema

Trialtrove and Sitetrove now provides full and in-depth coverage of all global clinical drug trials for hereditary angioedema, a rare disease caused by mutations in the gene for the production of C1 esterase inhibitor.

New Diseases: Hepatitis D and Hepatitis E

Within the Infectious Disease therapeutic area, we have added full coverage of trials for Hepatitis D and Hepatitis E, which now completes our coverage of viral hepatitis trials.

Find trials for Post-COVID syndrome

As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues, in addition to the massive ongoing efforts to develop a vaccine and treatments for the viral infection and the complications it causes, there is growing awareness of the additional long-term consequences for a subset of patients. We have added a new patient segment to search for trials specifically targeting Post-COVID syndrome.

Even more molecular subtype patient segments now available

Our oncology analysts continue to expand the range of molecular subtype patient segments available to search across all relevant tumor types. You can now search for trials including patients with mutations in BRCA, KRAS, HRAS, NRAS, FGFR or STK11, in addition to the existing patient segments for HER2 positive, HER2 negative, ALK, EGFR and BRAF.

More granularity to find trials evaluating pain syndromes

We’ve added new patient segments to the Neuropathic Pain disease, allowing you to quickly find all trials evaluating treatments for Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.